Mr. Caribbean International 2014
Place: Negril, Jamaica Hedonism II
Date: October 6-13, 2014
Reserve Your HEDONISM HOTEL In 60 Seconds in Negril, Jamaica Click Here To Make Your Reservation
Ladies...grab your two best gal pals and get ready for the trip of a lifetime! MCI is able to accommodate triple occupancy reservations and these rates start as low as $127 ppn. To book a triple occupancy reservation, give us a call at -1-855-MCI-SHOW (624-7469) and we'll be happy to make your special reservation for you!
Ask For Hedonism II in Negril, Jamaica
Reserve Your HEDONISM HOTEL In 60 Seconds in Negril, Jamaica Click Here To Make Your Reservation
Ladies...grab your two best gal pals and get ready for the trip of a lifetime! MCI is able to accommodate triple occupancy reservations and these rates start as low as $127 ppn. To book a triple occupancy reservation, give us a call at -1-855-MCI-SHOW (624-7469) and we'll be happy to make your special reservation for you!
Resorts: Hedonism II
Sooner or later, it's gonna happen. The primal urge to just...let....go. Unwind. Unplug. You're not alone.
Hedonism II, on world famous Negril Beach, and Hedonism III at Runaway Bay, were created as a reward for all those times you've had to deny your basic instincts. In these lush gardens of pure pleasure, the word "no" is seldom heard.
Hedonism is a sandbox for your inner child, nourishment for the mind, body, spirit and soul. Pleasure comes in many forms. Choose one. Or two. Or more.
And with absolutely everything included in one upfront price you never have to think about money. Not even tips. Just what to do next. And when. And with whom.
After a week at Hedonism, you'll view the world from a slightly diferent angle. You'll be tanned and relaxed. And at times you'll find yourself smiling for no reason whatsoever. Hedonism. There's nothing else on earth quite like it.
When you set your mind free, it's amazing how happily the body will follow. At Hedonism, you can put your body to the test in any number of ways. Take up windsurfing or waterskiing. Rediscover tennis. Let our resident experts teach you how to sail. Engage in a little high wire fun on the trapeze.
Stay up all night dancing to the throbbing beat of reggae, and toast the sunrise with a Planter's Punch. Play volleyball. Naked.
While you're here, you'll find yourself doing things you never thought you would...or could. Things you wouldn't tell your mother about.
Things you've only heard about in whispered tones around the water cooler. Most of all, you'll feel the stress of real life melt away like ice in a Pina Colada.
A funny thing happens after a couple of days at Hedonism. There's a new bounce in your step. You find yourself laughing more.
And Bloody Marys become a regular part of your breakfast regimen. "No problem, Mon" is a mantra repeated again and again, and it's probably the only thing we take seriously around here.
Hedonism is nothing more than an endless party, where liquor flows freely across open bars, Caribbean music rings in the air and pretty much anything goes. So go ahead. Let your hair down. Put on a toga. Take off your bathing suit. Or someone else's. Basically, if it feels good, do it.
Hey, let's face it. You spend all year being good. Nice. Dependable. You pride yourself on always doing the right thing. Sounds like it's time to cash in a little of that good Karma. Be wicked for a week.
Eat and drink what you want, when you want. Ask a total stranger to rub oil on your back. Skinny dip. Being naughty has never been so nice. Hedonism is all about unadulterated self indulgence. Long, lavish buffets, feasts for the eyes and the senses, are yours to tackle at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Burgers and other tasty treats sizzle all day on the beach grills. Every evening, the sun's fiery farewell is celebrated with hors d'oeurvres and cocktails on the beach, something everyone should experience once in a lifetime. Recount the day's events with friends old and new over dinner in one of our intimate restaurants, featuring sinfully good cuisine in a more exotic setting. Be good to yourself. You've earned it.