African American Authors

You know I had a chance to read both Karrine Steffans books 'Confessions Of A Video Vixen" and the "Vixen Diaries."
If you haven't heard about Karrine, then you must have been living under a rock. As most people know, Karrine was a former music video model years ago who did something that was considered taboo. Last year she wrote a book that detailed her bedroom encounters with many stars from Ja'Rule to Shaq, DMX to Jamie Foxx, Mike Tyson to Vin Diesel and so many more.
I know alot of people who hate Karrine for many reasons. Some hate that she slept with so many celebrities. Others hate that she kiss and told. She has been called a ho, slut and everything else in between.
Being as it may, the one thing we all have to call her also is rich and smart. It always kills me that the people who call her all those names are the same ones who buy the book in droves. They can't stand her but want to know all the details of who she slept with.
In fact, I read a lot of people were dissapointed with the second book because they wanted more names. They wanted more dirt. Others wanted her to change. The funny thing is that if she turned into the person people thought she should be ..her sales would come to a grinding halt. People spend money on what she talks about. I just find people so hypocritical when it comes to other women.
Regarding the book themselves...I happen to think that both books were very good although they were somewhat different.
The second book pretty much gave an account of what happened to her since the last book hence the name "Vixen Diaries". The portion of the book that kind of made me laugh was when she was at the Essence Festival in Houston where she met back up with Bobby Brown. I actually saw that moment with my own eyes( the actual meeting that is) and it was kind of wierd to see that in the book.
Anyway, she spoke at the Essence seminar and somehow I was able to talk to her for about 90 seconds after her speech. I told her that I enjoyed her first book and looked forward to her second one. I asked her if she ever heard of Black Beach Week and she said " no, I sure haven't". I gave her my business card and told her that she should come to the website and sign up to the newsletter where she see all the black events for 2007 and she might be able to sell more books.
I also told her that once the second book was written that I would tell her what I truly thought.
She thanked me and said she will definelty check out the site. I have not heard from her since then but I did see newsletter subscriber who joined Karri Steffans so Karrine if that is you please lets us know on our discussion board.
I give both books two thumbs up with a pinky on the side so check out the book.